Rick Perry and the Largest Tax Hike In Texas
{{ Perry signed a bill that nearly tripled the amount Texas collects from businesses. }}
{{ “what really irks conservatives is a business would have to pay taxes whether it made a profit or not. In that way, it is worse than a corporate income tax. }}
{{ This was the largest tax increase in Texas history, which requires business to pay up to 10% of its gross income to the state while large corporations were given loopholes.” }}
{{ “The governor’s own policy advisor has informed members of the house that the average small service sector business will pay more in taxes and in most cases double, triple, or even quadruple what they are currently paying under the current franchise tax system.” }}
{{ the tax is unconstitutional because the Texas Constitution requires a statewide vote in order to pass an income tax on individuals — including income they receive from partnerships — and that Perry’s Tax was enacted without a vote of the people }}
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