Monday, October 31, 2011


Herman Cain Faces Potential Campaign Finance, Tax Law Violations 


The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has obtained information suggesting that a private Wisconsin-based company footed tens of thousands of dollars to help get Cain's campaign going. Two key aides led Prosperity USA, which allegedly helped finance chartered flights, iPads and other travel expenses.

"If the records accurately reflect what occurred, this is way out of bounds," an unidentified Washington, D.C.-based election lawyer who works with conservatives told the Journal-Sentinel.


Friday, October 21, 2011



Due to problems I'm having with this link, I'm moving this blog to a new address

For some reason if I include the link to this blog anywhere in an email, the email will not forward. I wouldn't be surprised for it to happen again with this one.

This blog is already nearing 5,000 hits (over 1,000 a month), so maybe it's having more influence than the powers that be are comfortable with.

I can still post here, and respond to comments, as well as use this with Facebook. I just can't use the link in an email. For now, I can use the without problems and that blog has a link back to this one.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Here’s what Cain said to Piers Morgan last night (10-19-11) concerning abortion for people who are not his family members:
No, it comes down to is, it’s not the government’s role — or anybody else’s role — to make that decision. Secondly, if you look at the statistical incidents, you’re not talking about that big a number. So what I’m saying is, it ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make. Not me as president. Not some politician. Not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide, they decide. I shouldn’t try to tell them what decision to make for such a sensitive decision.

He said basically the same thing to  John Stossel a few months ago:

Herman Cain: (abortion) I don't believe government should make that decision

Stossel: If a woman is raped, she should not be allowed to end the pregnancy?

Cain: That's her choice. Not government's choice.Herman Cain: (abortion) I don't believe government should make that decision

Monday, October 17, 2011


Don’t be VAT stupid

By Herman Cain November 21, 2010

{{ A national retail sales tax on top of all the confusing and unfair taxes we have today is insane! It gives the out-of-control bureaucrats and politicians in denial one more tool to lie, deceive, manipulate and destroy this country. }}

LAST YEAR, Herman Cain called a major plank of his own current 9-9-9 plan an "INSANE ... tool to lie, deceive, manipulate and destroy this country."
 I finally found something I heartily agree with about Herman Cain.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Is Herman Cain Really Such A Great Turnaround Businessman After All?

Cain did make immediate changes. He closed 20% of the company's restaurants, and fired between 300 and 400 people.

While Cain regularly claims he took a business leaking $8 million annually and turned a $4 million profit two years later, those figures are not available publicly and Cain has refused to release company records from the relevant years.


Oh my! Too many people are VOTING for RON PAUL, so we have to disqualify 3/4 of his votes so we can claim Cain really won!

These Cain people are so dirty they should join the Obama administration. The Mafia would reject them on moral grounds.