No Surprise: Neo-Con Feminist Sarah Palin Supports Gun Control
“There are already on the books many gun control measures, and I do support those that are on the books.” Palin said.
TG: There are a lot of really BAD gun-control laws already on the books. The only one that belongs there is the 2nd Amendment, which states that the rightof the PEOPLE to keep and BEAR arms SHALL NOT be INFRINGED.
Palin did, however, distance herself from the so-called birthers, who believe Obama was not born in the United States, and others who contend he is not Christian, as he insists, but Muslim. She said she does not question the president’s faith or citizenship and added, “It’s distracting. It gets annoying. Let’s stick with what really matters.”
TG: Palin doesn't think it matters if our president is lying about something as fundamental as his religion or if he is an illegal alien and constitutionally unqualified for his office?
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