Herman Cain: "The PATRIOT Act Is 90% Right On"
"I think that the PATRIOT Act is about 90 percent right on. I can't delineate to you exactly what I would want to change,"
TG: You never know what you are going to do about ANY issue, do you Herman? You want us to vote for you and then you'll tell us what you'll do.
I'm a little troubled by police officers being able to go into a home without a warrant or a court order. But that being said, I would rather error on the side of detection. If I have to choose between political correctness or doing what's right to protect us I'll go with doing what's right to protect us every time.With all due respect Herman (NONE), that "political correctness" you speak of is the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.
The more exposure he gets, the more we see that Herman Cain does not believe in the Constitution; he has no problem with taking away your Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures and is willing to sacrifice your freedoms to the power of the police state under the guise of security.
I agree--but would add that the same can be said of Obama. President "Change we can believe in" has yet to meet a Bush policy he doesn't like. Whether it's torturing, assassinating, locking suspects up indefinitely without a trial, trying suspects in secret courts with secret witnesses and secret evidence, domestic spying, offshore drilling, the continuation of the "war on terror", deficit spending--you name the anti-liberty/anti-environment/Bush-era policy and Obama is likely for it. Even the Gunrunner/Fast & Furious fiasco was a continuation of similar operations under Bush. Obama versus Cain?--either way we end up with more of a police state than before.